Written by
Het Dagli
Published on
October 17, 2024
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Optimizing Solana Programs

Actionable Insights

  • Use zero-copy deserialization for large data structures and high-frequency operations
  • Use nostd_entrypoint instead of solana_program’s bloated entrypoint
  • Minimize dynamic allocations, favouring stack-based data structures
  • Implement custom serialization/deserialization to avoid Borsh overhead
  • Mark critical functions with #[inline(always)] for potential performance gains
  • Use bit manipulation for efficient instruction parsing
  • Use Solana-specific C syscalls like sol_invoke_signed_c
  • Measure compute unit usage to guide optimization efforts


Solana developers face several decisions when writing programs: balancing ease of use, performance, and safety. This spectrum ranges from the user-friendly Anchor framework, which simplifies development at the cost of some overhead, to low-level approaches using unsafe Rust and direct syscalls. While the latter offers peak performance, it comes with increased complexity and potential security risks. The key question for devs is not just how to optimize, but when and to what degree.

This blog post explores these options in-depth, providing a roadmap for devs to navigate the optimization landscape. We’ll examine the following levels of abstraction:

1. Anchor: The go-to opinionated, powerful, high-level framework for most developers
2. Anchor with zero-copy: Anchor code written to optimize for large data structures
3. Native Rust: Pure Rust for balancing control and ease of use
4. Unsafe Rust with direct system calls (syscalls): Pushing the limits of performance

The goal is not to prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution but to equip developers with the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding how to code their programs based on their specific use cases.

By the end of this post, you’ll better understand how to think about these different levels of abstraction and when to consider moving down the optimization path. Remember, the most optimized code isn’t always the best solution — it’s about finding the right balance for your project’s needs.

This article assumes familiarity with basic Rust, Solana’s account model, and the Anchor framework

For the impatient:

Image explaining trade offs involving using various frameworks

Compute Units

Solana’s high-performance architecture relies on efficient resource management. At the heart of this system are compute units (CUs) — a measure of the computational resources expended by validators to process a given transaction.

Why Care About Compute Units?

1. Transaction Success: Each transaction has a CU limit. Exceeding it causes the transaction to fail
2. Cost Efficiency: Lower CU usage means lower transaction fees
3. User Experience: Optimized programs execute faster, enhancing overall UX
4. Scalability: Efficient programs allow more transactions per block, improving network throughput

Measuring Compute Units

The solana_program::log::sol_log_compute_units() syscall logs the number of compute units a program consumes at a specific point in its execution.

Here is a simple compute_fn! macro implementation using the syscall:

macro_rules! compute_fn {
    ($msg:expr=> $($tt:tt)*) => {
        ::solana_program::msg!(concat!($msg, " {"));
        let res = { $($tt)* };
        ::solana_program::msg!(concat!(" } // ", $msg));

This macro is taken from the Solana Developers GitHub repository for CU optimizations. This code snippet implements a counter program with two instructions, initialize and increment

For this article, we will write the same counter program with the same two instructions, initialize and increment, in four different ways and compare the CU usage for all of them: Anchor, Anchor using zero-copy deserialization, native Rust, and unsafe Rust

Initializing an account and making a minor change to that account (in this case, incrementing) is a decent benchmark to compare these different approaches. We will not use PDAs for now.

For the impatient, here are the CU comparisons for the four approaches:

Comparing CU for Initialize and Increment instructions written in 4 different ways
CU comparisons

Initialize Instruction

CU comparison matrix for increment instruction
Increment Instruction

Let’s get going…

Zero-Copy Deserialization

Zero-copy deserialization allows us to interpret account data directly without allocating new memory or copying data. This technique can reduce CPU usage, lower memory consumption, and potentially lead to more efficient instructions.

Let us start with a basic Anchor counter program:

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

pub mod counter {
    use super::*;
    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
        let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.counter;
        counter.count = 0;
    pub fn increment(ctx: Context<Update>) -> Result<()> {
        let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.counter;
        //Not doing checked_add, wrapping add or any overflow checks
        //to keep it simple
        counter.count += 1;
pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = user, space = 8 + 8)]
    pub counter: Account<'info, Counter>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
pub struct Update<'info> {
    pub counter: Account<'info, Counter>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
pub struct Counter {
    pub count: u64,

Nothing fancy above. Now let’s make it fancy with zero_copy:

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod counter {
 use super::*;

pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {
 let mut counter = ctx.accounts.counter.load_init()?;
 counter.count = 0;

pub fn increment(ctx: Context<Update>) -> Result<()> {
 let mut counter = ctx.accounts.counter.load_mut()?;
 counter.count += 1;

pub struct Initialize<'info> {
 #[account(init, payer = user, space = 8 + std::mem::size_of::<CounterData>())]
 pub counter: AccountLoader<'info, CounterData>,
 pub user: Signer<'info>,
 pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub struct Update<'info> {
 pub counter: AccountLoader<'info, CounterData>,
 pub user: Signer<'info>,

pub struct CounterData {
 pub count: u64,

Key Changes:

1. AccountLoader Instead of Account
We now use AccountLoader<’info, CounterData> instead of Account<’info, Counter>. This allows for zero-copy access to the account’s data.

2. Zero-Copy Attribute
The #[account(zero_copy)] attribute on CounterData indicates that this struct can be directly interpreted from raw bytes in memory.

3. Direct Data Access
In the initialize and increment functions, we use load_init() and load_mut(), respectively, to get mutable access to the account data without copying it

4. Mitigating Duplicate Account Vulnerabilities 

Zero-copy deserialization addresses a potential vulnerability present in Borsh serialization. With Borsh, distinct copies of accounts are created and mutated, then copied back to the same address. This process can lead to inconsistencies if the same account is included multiple times in a transaction. Zero-copy, however, reads from and writes to the same memory address directly. This approach ensures that all references to an account within a transaction operate on the same data, eliminating the risk of inconsistencies due to duplicate accounts.

5. Memory Layout Guarantees
The zero_copy attribute ensures that CounterData has a consistent memory layout, allowing safe reinterpretation from raw bytes. This implementation reduced the CU usage of the initialize instruction from 5095 to 5022 and the increment instruction from 1162 to 1124.

Zero copy leads to minimal, largely insignificant improvements inour case. However, zero-copy deserialization might be useful when dealing with large data structures. This is because it can substantially reduce CPU and memory usage when dealing with accounts storing complex or extensive data

Trade-offs and Considerations

Zero-copy isn’t without its challenges:

1. Increased Complexity: The code becomes slightly more complex, requiring the careful handling of raw data

2. Compatibility: Not all data structures are suitable for zero-copy deserialization — they must have a predictable memory layout. For example, structures with dynamic-sized fields like Vec or String are incompatible with zero-copy deserialization.

Using zero-copy should be based on your specific use case. For simple programs like our counter, the benefits might be minimal. However, as your programs grow in complexity and handle larger data structures, zero-copy can become a powerful tool for optimization.

While zero-copy optimization didn’t yield significant improvements for our simple counter program, the quest for efficiency doesn’t end here. Let’s explore another avenue: writing native Solana programs in Rust without the Anchor framework. This approach offers more control and potential for optimization, albeit with increased complexity.

Going Native

Native Rust programs provide a lower-level interface, requiring developers to handle the various tasks that Anchor automates. This includes account deserialization, serialization, and various security checks. While this demands more from the developer, it also opens up opportunities for fine-tuned optimizations.

Let’s examine the native Rust implementation of our counter program:

use solana_program::{
    account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},
use std::mem::size_of;

// Define the state struct
struct Counter {
    count: u64,

// Declare and export the program's entrypoint

// Program entrypoint's implementation
pub fn process_instruction(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
    let instruction = instruction_data

    match instruction {
        0 => initialize(program_id, accounts),
        1 => increment(accounts),
        _ => Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),

fn initialize(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let counter_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let user = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let system_program = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

    if !user.is_signer {
        return Err(ProgramError::MissingRequiredSignature);

    if counter_account.owner != program_id {
        let rent = Rent::get()?;
        let space = size_of::<Counter>();
        let rent_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(space);

                space as u64,
            &[user.clone(), counter_account.clone(), system_program.clone()],

    let mut counter_data = Counter { count: 0 };
    counter_data.serialize(&mut &mut counter_account.data.borrow_mut()[..])?;


fn increment(accounts: &[AccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let counter_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let user = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

    if !user.is_signer {
        return Err(ProgramError::MissingRequiredSignature);

    let mut counter_data = Counter::deserialize(&counter_account.data.borrow())?;

    //Not doing checked_add, wrapping add or any overflow checks to keep it simple
    counter_data.count += 1;
    counter_data.serialize(&mut &mut counter_account.data.borrow_mut()[..])?;


impl Counter {
    fn serialize(&self, data: &mut [u8]) -> ProgramResult {
        if data.len() < size_of::<Self>() {
            return Err(ProgramError::AccountDataTooSmall);
        //First 8 bytes is the count

    fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        if data.len() < size_of::<Self>() {
            return Err(ProgramError::AccountDataTooSmall);

        //First 8 bytes is the count
        let count = u64::from_le_bytes(data[..8].try_into().unwrap());
        Ok(Self { count })

Key Differences and Considerations:

  1. Manual Instruction Parsing
    Unlike Anchor, which automatically routes instructions, we manually parse the instruction data and route it to the appropriate function
let instruction = instruction_data

    match instruction {
        0 => initialize(program_id, accounts),
        1 => increment(accounts),
        _ => Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),

2. Account Management
We use next_account_info to iterate through accounts, manually checking for signers and owners. Anchor handles this automatically with its #[derive(Accounts)] macro

let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let counter_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let user = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

    if !user.is_signer {
        return Err(ProgramError::MissingRequiredSignature);

3. Custom Serialization:
We implement custom serialize and deserialize methods for our Counter struct. Anchor uses Borsh serialization by default, abstracting this away

impl Counter {
    fn serialize(&self, data: &mut [u8]) -> ProgramResult {
        if data.len() < size_of::<Self>() {
            return Err(ProgramError::AccountDataTooSmall);
        //First 8 bytes is the count

    fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        if data.len() < size_of::<Self>() {
            return Err(ProgramError::AccountDataTooSmall);

        //First 8 bytes is the count
        let count = u64::from_le_bytes(data[..8].try_into().unwrap());
        Ok(Self { count })

4. System Program Interactions
Creating accounts involves direct interaction with the System Program using invoke and doing a Cross Program Invocation (CPI), which Anchor simplifies with its init constraint:

          space as u64,
      &[user.clone(), counter_account.clone(), system_program.clone()],

5. Fine-grained Control
In general, native programs offer more control over data layout and processing as they don’t follow a single, opinionated framework, allowing for more optimized code.

How to Think About Anchor versus Native?

1. Explicit vs. Implicit
Native programs require the explicit handling of many aspects that Anchor manages implicitly. This includes account validation, serialization, and instruction routing

2. Security Considerations
Without Anchor’s built-in checks, developers must be vigilant about implementing proper security measures, such as checking account ownership and signer status

3. Performance Tuning
Native programs allow for more fine-grained performance optimizations but require a deeper understanding of Solana’s runtime behaviour

4. Boilerplate Code
Expect to write more boilerplate code for common operations that Anchor abstracts away

5. Learning Curve
While potentially more efficient, native programming has a steeper learning curve and requires more in-depth knowledge of Solana’s architecture


The biggest limiting factor going from Anchor to native is handling serialization and deserialization. In our case, it was relatively simple. But, it would get increasingly complicated as state management gets more complex.

However, it is also true that Borsh used by Anchor is computationally very costly, so the effort is worth it.

Our optimization journey doesn’t end here. In the next section, we’ll push the boundaries even further by leveraging direct syscalls and avoiding the Rust standard library.

This approach is challenging, but I promise it will provide some interesting insights into the inner workings of Solana’s runtime.

Pushing the Limits with Unsafe Rust and Direct Syscalls

To push our counter program's performance to its limits, we'll now explore the use of unsafe Rust and direct syscalls. Unsafe Rust allows developers to bypass standard safety checks, enabling direct memory manipulation and low-level optimizations. Syscalls, meanwhile, provide direct interfaces to the Solana runtime. This approach, while complex and requiring meticulous development, can lead to significant CU savings. However, it also demands a deeper understanding of Solana's architecture and careful attention to program safety. The potential performance gains are substantial, but they come with increased responsibility.

Let's examine a highly optimized version of our counter program that leverages these advanced techniques:

use solana_nostd_entrypoint::{
    basic_panic_impl, entrypoint_nostd, noalloc_allocator,
        entrypoint::ProgramResult, log, program_error::ProgramError, pubkey::Pubkey, system_program,
    InstructionC, NoStdAccountInfo,

entrypoint_nostd!(process_instruction, 32);

pub const ID: Pubkey = solana_nostd_entrypoint::solana_program::pubkey!(


const ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN: usize = 8; // 8 bytes for u64 counter

 * Program Entrypoint
 * ------------------
 * Entrypoint receives:
 * - program_id: The public key of the program's account
 * - accounts: An array of accounts required for the instruction
 * - instruction_data: A byte array containing the instruction data
 * Instruction data format:
 * ------------------------
 * | Bit 0 | Bits 1-7 |
 * |-------|----------|
 * |  0/1  |  Unused  |
 * 0: Initialize
 * 1: Increment
pub fn process_instruction(
    _program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[NoStdAccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {

    if instruction_data.is_empty() {
        return Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData);

    // Use the least significant bit to determine the instruction
    match instruction_data[0] & 1 {
        0 => initialize(accounts),
        1 => increment(accounts),
        _ => unreachable!(),

 * Initialize Function
 * -------------------
 * This function initializes a new counter account.
 * Account structure:
 * ------------------
 * 1. Payer account (signer, writable)
 * 2. Counter account (writable)
 * 3. System program
 * Memory layout of instruction_data:
 * -----------------------------------------
 * | Bytes    | Content                     |
 * |----------|----------------------------|
 * | 0-3      | Instruction discriminator  |
 * | 4-11     | Required lamports (u64)    |
 * | 12-19    | Space (u64)                |
 * | 20-51    | Program ID                 |
 * | 52-55    | Unused                     |
fn initialize(accounts: &[NoStdAccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {

    let [payer, counter, system_program] = match accounts {
        [payer, counter, system_program, ..] => [payer, counter, system_program],
        _ => return Err(ProgramError::NotEnoughAccountKeys),

    if counter.key() == &system_program::ID {
        return Err(ProgramError::InvalidAccountData);
    let rent = solana_program::rent::Rent::default();
    let required_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN);

    let mut instruction_data = [0u8; 56];
    instruction_data[12..20].copy_from_slice(&(ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN as u64).to_le_bytes());

    let instruction_accounts = [

    let instruction = InstructionC {
        program_id: &system_program::ID,
        accounts: instruction_accounts.as_ptr(),
        accounts_len: instruction_accounts.len() as u64,
        data: instruction_data.as_ptr(),
        data_len: instruction_data.len() as u64,

    let infos = [payer.to_info_c(), counter.to_info_c()];

    // Invoke system program to create account
    #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
    unsafe {
            &instruction as *const InstructionC as *const u8,
            infos.as_ptr() as *const u8,
            infos.len() as u64,

    // Initialize counter to 0
    let mut counter_data = counter.try_borrow_mut_data().ok_or(ProgramError::AccountBorrowFailed)?;


 * Increment Function
 * ------------------
 * This function increments the counter in the counter account.
 * Account structure:
 * ------------------
 * 1. Counter account (writable)
 * 2. Payer account (signer)
 * Counter account data layout:
 * ----------------------------
 * | Bytes | Content        |
 * |-------|----------------|
 * | 0-7   | Counter (u64)  |
fn increment(accounts: &[NoStdAccountInfo]) -> ProgramResult {

    let [counter, payer] = match accounts {
        [counter, payer, ..] => [counter, payer],
        _ => return Err(ProgramError::NotEnoughAccountKeys),

    if !payer.is_signer() || counter.owner() != &ID {
        return Err(ProgramError::IllegalOwner);

    let mut counter_data = counter.try_borrow_mut_data().ok_or(ProgramError::AccountBorrowFailed)?;

    if counter_data.len() != 8 {
        return Err(ProgramError::UninitializedAccount);

    let mut value = u64::from_le_bytes(counter_data[..8].try_into().unwrap());
    value += 1;


Key Differences and Optimizations:

1. No-std Environment

We’re using solana_nostd_entrypoint, which provides a no-std environment. This eliminates the overhead of the Rust standard library, reducing program size and potentially improving performance. Credit to cavemanloverboy and his GitHub repository on no-std entrypoint for Solana programs.

2. Inline Functions
Critical functions are marked with #[inline(always)]. Inlining is a compiler optimization where the function's body is inserted at the call site, eliminating function call overhead. This can lead to faster execution, especially for small, frequently called functions.

3. Bit Manipulation for Instruction Parsing
We use bit manipulation instruction_data[0] & 1 to determine the instruction type, which can be more efficient than other parsing methods:

// Use the least significant bit to determine the instruction
    match instruction_data[0] & 1 {
        0 => initialize(accounts),
        1 => increment(accounts),
        _ => unreachable!(),

4. Zero-Cost Memory Management and Minimal Panic Handling

The noalloc_allocator! and basic_panic_impl! macros implement minimal, zero-overhead memory management and panic handling:

Noalloc_allocator! defines a custom allocator that panics on any allocation attempt and does nothing on deallocation. Setting this as the global allocator for Solana programs effectively prevents any dynamic memory allocation during runtime:

macro_rules! noalloc_allocator {
    () => {
        pub mod allocator {
            pub struct NoAlloc;
            extern crate alloc;
            unsafe impl alloc::alloc::GlobalAlloc for NoAlloc {
                unsafe fn alloc(&self, _: core::alloc::Layout) -> *mut u8 {
                    panic!("no_alloc :)");
                unsafe fn dealloc(&self, _: *mut u8, _: core::alloc::Layout) {}

            #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
            static A: NoAlloc = NoAlloc;

This is crucial because:

a) It eliminates the overhead of memory allocation and deallocation operations

b) It forces developers to use stack-based or static memory, which is generally faster and more predictable in terms of performance

c) It reduces the program’s memory footprint

basic_panic_impl! provides a minimal panic handler that simply logs a “panicked!” message:

macro_rules! basic_panic_impl {
    () => {
        #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
        fn custom_panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo<'_>) {

5. Efficient CPI Preparation

The InstructionC struct, and to_meta_c and to_info_c functions provide a low-level, efficient way to prepare data for CPIs:

let instruction_accounts = [

    let instruction = InstructionC {
        program_id: &system_program::ID,
        accounts: instruction_accounts.as_ptr(),
        accounts_len: instruction_accounts.len() as u64,
        data: instruction_data.as_ptr(),
        data_len: instruction_data.len() as u64,

 let infos = [payer.to_info_c(), counter.to_info_c()

These functions create C-compatible structures that can be directly passed to the sol_invoke_signed_c syscall. By avoiding the overhead of Rust’s higher-level abstractions and working directly with raw pointers and C-compatible structures, these functions minimize the computational cost of preparing for CPIs. This approach saves CUs by reducing memory allocations, copies, and conversions that would typically occur when using more abstract Rust types.

For example, the to_info_c method efficiently constructs an AccountInfoC struct using direct pointer arithmetic:

pub fn to_info_c(&self) -> AccountInfoC {
  AccountInfoC {
  key: offset(self.inner, 8),
  lamports: offset(self.inner, 72),
  data_len: self.data_len() as u64,
  data: offset(self.inner, 88),
  owner: offset(self.inner, 40),
  // … other fields …

This direct manipulation of memory layouts allows for extremely efficient creation of the necessary structures for CPIs, thereby reducing the CU cost of these operations.

6. Direct Syscalls and Unsafe Rust

This approach bypasses the usual Rust abstractions and directly interacts with Solana’s runtime, offering significant performance benefits. However, it also introduces complexity and requires careful handling of unsafe Rust:

// Invoke system program to create account
#[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
unsafe {
        &instruction as *const InstructionC as *const u8,
        infos.as_ptr() as *const u8,
        infos.len() as u64,

7. Conditional Compilation:

The #[cfg(target_os = “solana”)] attribute ensures this code only compiles when targeting the Solana runtime, which is necessary because these syscalls are only available in that environment.

Potential Issues with Unsafe Rust 

While powerful, unsafe Rust can lead to serious problems if not handled correctly:

  • Memory leaks and corruption
  • Undefined behavior
  • Race conditions

Potential Issues with Unsafe Rust 

While powerful, unsafe Rust can lead to serious problems if not handled correctly:

  • Undefined behavior
  • Race conditions

To mitigate risks when using unsafe Rust:

  • Use unsafe blocks sparingly and only when necessary
  • Document all safety assumptions and invariants
  • Utilize tools like Miri and Rust's built-in sanitizers for testing
  • Consider formal verification techniques for critical sections
  • Conduct thorough code reviews focused on unsafe blocks


While all this is fascinating, using this hyper-optimized approach in a production-ready program to secure real money is a difficult sell due to the increased complexity, potential for errors, and maintenance challenges. The risk of introducing critical bugs often outweighs the performance benefits for most applications.

Using this approach will most likely land you in the trap of premature optimizations.

However, some things are easily replicable:

  1. Using nostd_entrypoint instead of bloated entrypoint by solana_program
  2. Using inline functions wherever possible
  3. Minimizing dynamic allocations and favouring stack-based data structures


This article has explored various levels of optimization for Solana programs, from high-level Anchor development to low-level unsafe Rust with direct syscalls. We've seen how each approach offers different trade-offs between ease of use, safety, and performance.

Key takeaways:

  • Anchor provides a user-friendly framework with some performance overhead
  • Zero-copy deserialization can significantly improve efficiency for large data structures
  • Native Rust offers more control and potential for optimization
  • Unsafe Rust and direct syscalls provide maximum performance but with increased complexity and risk

The choice of optimization level depends on your specific use case, performance requirements, and risk tolerance. Always measure the impact of optimizations and consider the long-term maintenance implications of your choices.

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